Profile LinkedIn, many skills help stand out?

You are a person of diverse skills, amazing! But consider listing all of your skills on your LinkedIn Profile or just focusing on the best skills that are supposed to be your competitive advantage.

One of the most common mistakes people make when filling out their personal LinkedIn is trying to write too much information.

LinkedIn allows listing up to 50 skills in the “Featured Skills & Endorsements” section, enough for you to fill in all the experience & abilities you have. However, this can also make it harder for employers to find you. Furthermore, you have no control over who “endorses” you. Therefore, you may have a situation where a skill is not your strength but is “endorses” by many people, which leads to employers not seeing your greatest strengths.

Therefore, you should carefully consider which skills to include in your profile. Only add skills related to the target job you’re looking for. This affects LinkedIn’s algorithms for validating your skills, increasing your chances of connecting with employers whose jobs are the best fit for you.


So how do you determine the most relevant skills to put on your LinkedIn profile?

One of the best ways is to look for the most common skills in the JDs (Job Description) of jobs that you find interesting. This will help you shorten your list of skills, focusing on key skills. Increase your ability to connect with employers who offer the most suitable job opportunities.

Furthermore, this will increase the number of endorsements you can get in each of your skills. A greater number of endorsements focusing on a few typical skills will help your profile get discovered more on LinkedIn.

How to increase “endorses”?

Create a few brief messages to the people you’ve “endorses”

Hi Mai,

I have verified your profile for some skills in the “Skills & Expertise” section to make your profile more authentic. If you have time, visit my Profile and help me verify some skills you think I’m doing well!



Finally, there’s one more way you can attract recruiters on LinkedIn with a more prominent skills section: In the Experiences section, jot down the skills you’ve applied. This will increase your prominence in Employer Search for Candidates


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